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Adjustable Angle Downhole Motor

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Guided downhole motor can be optionally equipped with a ground adjustable bent housing (ABH), with an angle adjustment range of 0-3°. The angle of the bent housing can be changed on site according to drilling needs, with great flexibility

Guided downhole motor (bent downhole motor) are downhole power drilling tools designed and manufactured for drilling large deflection angle directional and horizontal wells. Usually refers to downhole motor with different bent housing and stabilizers.

Guided downhole motor is used in conjunction with cone or diamond drill bits, as well as bent joints, non-magnetic drill collars, stabilizers, and drilling measurement systems to form different combinations of drilling tools. They are used for drilling operations in large deflection angle wells, stabilizing inclinations, and horizontal sections.


Another difference between guided downhole motor and conventional downhole motor is that the drive shaft housing of guided downhole motor has different forms of stabilizers.

The commonly used forms of stabilizers include:

1) Spiral stabilizer (triple-helix, five-helix)

2) Symmetric straight stabilizer (usually uniformly distributed with five-helix)

3) Asymmetric straight stabilizer

The form and outer diameter size of stabilizers have a significant impact on the effectiveness of deflection angle and stable deflection angle. When selecting guided downhole motor, this should be taken seriously.

Follow figure shows the basic three-point geometry of a motor with a bent housing.



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